Greatest Mom Bouquet

Item # MD2148
Greatest Mom Bouquet
Greatest Mom Bouquet
Greatest Mom Bouquet
Greatest Mom Bouquet
Greatest Mom Bouquet
Greatest Mom Bouquet


Celebrate the greatest mom with our "Greatest Mom Bouquet," a radiant expression of love and appreciation. Nestled within a charming butterfly-printed container, this bouquet showcases a delightful array of blooms, including lush green hydrangeas, delicate pink snapdragons, captivating stargazer lilies, and elegant lavender roses. Accented with seeded eucalyptus for a touch of natural beauty, and adorned with a whimsical butterfly pick, this bouquet is a heartfelt tribute to the extraordinary woman who fills our lives with love and joy.

Let her know she's truly cherished with the "Greatest Mom Bouquet" this Mother's Day.

Approximately 15"Hx10"W

***Lilies may arrive in bud form***

The shade of the container may vary.

This item is not available online. Please call for purchasing options.

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