Mom is the Best Bouquet

Item # MD2150
Mom is the Best Bouquet
Mom is the Best Bouquet
Mom is the Best Bouquet
Mom is the Best Bouquet
Mom is the Best Bouquet


Show Mom she's the best with our "Mom is the Best Bouquet," a vibrant and captivating arrangement that speaks volumes of love and admiration. Bursting with color and charm, this bouquet features sunny yellow lilies, bold fuchsia carnations, lush green hydrangeas, fiery hot pink roses, and cheerful orange spray roses. Each bloom is carefully selected to create a harmonious display of beauty and warmth. Whether for Mother's Day or any day of the year, this bouquet is a heartfelt tribute to the incredible woman who brightens our lives with her love and kindness.

Approximately 9"H x 13"W

***Lilies may arrive in bud form***

The shade of the container may vary.

This item is not available online. Please call for purchasing options.

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